Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009

Misteri lamp of ghost in the Bridgewater Triangle

Misteri lamp of ghost in the Bridgewater Triangle

Bridgewater Triangle is an area about 200 square miles (520 km2) in southeast Massachusetts, United States. Since the Colonial, it was known as the mysterious force that has a difficult explained. Various reports about the area that was noted in the order of phenomena Poltergeists and orbs, balls of fire that came out in the fall there are also ghost phenomenon.

Rumors are circulating about penampakan 'Bigfoot', giant snakes, giant bird, and found a lot of the rest of the remaining discount livestock, etc.. Police also have sought journalist reveals strange events there.
Area is a very very mysterious and not so left out dijuluki Hockomock Swamp, which means "soul dwell", or as local residents call "The Devil's Swamp."

One of the phenomena that occur in the famous area is the emergence of light flicker from the swamps around the lake. People call it kelap twinkle lights as the ghost is usually seen in the swampy area.
The ghost phenomenon it continues to show u around Bridgewater Triangle. Strange lights that also appear in January in the vicinity of each rail crossing across the region do.