Crop Circle Mysteries In the UK, Canada, United States, Australia and Japan, many found the crop circle phenomenon. This phenomenon usually appears in the summer when the fields with agricultural crops ditumbuhi. And this is a unique phenomenon terbentuknya strange circle-circle or other form of geometry in the field of agriculture. Geometry is sometimes form a circle or circle-can also shape a unique series of images, which show that the author adalam intelligent beings. But, this is not the crop circle created by human beings based on a variety of evidence that has been the investigation by many scientists Crop circle found in southern England. Many link the crop circle with this activity as a series of spiritual forms geomtri made in the fields of agriculture (the images that form the plant with the collapse / crash). According to existing information, occurrence of the crop circle phenomenon is also often accompanied with the eruption of spherical ufo light. A video record of successful process of the occurrence of a crop circle (oliver's castle in 1996, see photo above) indicates that a crop circle in the form of time, only about 20 seconds only. While the size of the reach of tens of meters. This phenomenon is even estimated to have emerged since hundreds of years ago. A carved wooden sculpture from the 17 th century called the "Mowing Devil" shows there is a creature that is the devil, make a circle of damage in the fields of agriculture. Many researchers who ignore ufo crop circle phenomenon, when, in fact can be one of the evidence of the existence of intelligent beings other than manusia.Masih articles related to the Crop Circle sebelumnya.Kali we will discuss about the various kinds of speculation-speculation and views about the occurrence of many phenomena it. Crop Circle, Nature Painting, Crop Circle is a natural phenomenon of a mystery until now most often in jumpai.Sudah nearly 350 years since the first appear in the UK in the year 1647, up to now there is no definitive answer on how to form them. Crop Circle, Nature Painting, Crop circle itself is a strange circle that often form above the wheat field (usually in spring and summer), a unique circle-circle shape that is perfect and has a level of exactness and accuracy of the form in a flash saja.Lingaran crop-circle on the circle usually form the dimensions of the wide and large. Crop Circle appear in many areas of agriculture wheat United States, UK, Russia, Australia, and some Asia.Namun most of the many found in the UK, especially in the City of Winchester.Yang interesting Crop Circle is a different form of lingkarannya, even penampakannya not only in form circle only, but took some time Crop Circle formed the image of living beings, such as scorpions, sun flower, Bees, etc.. Appear in Russia a few years ago is incredible, where they appear silih berganti.Masyarakat around the view really does not understand how they can form as soon as itu.dalam century just for the night, about 6-7 crop circle with a large size have dihamparan wheat fields mereka.Yang make them the more amazed berdecak are various forms of the crop circle itself, which have formed the image of a sunflower extraordinary beautiful. Until this time, many speculations and views on peroses terbentuknya Crop Circle. It's thought that these phenomena are created by humans, but there is also the thought process of pure natural phenomenon. Crop Circle, Nature Painting, Nan mysterious strange circle in the wheat fields is the focus that always attract attention and research from the scientists, and up to now there is no conclusion on the occurrence of these phenomena, there are currently 5 main version.
1.doing human Quite a lot of thought, that what is called a circle of wheat field no more than a fraudulent act. Anderro According to scientists from the UK that has been investigating the same time examine the phenomenon for 17 years, that there is a circle about 80% wheat fields is a man-made. A British citizen was menuturkan to the mass media, that he and some friends circle is a field of wheat in London, UK. Previously they had to prepare the design image, when the wheat in the fields nearly mature, with a long nail dipantakkan in the wheat fields, and the nails used as center, next, the ground surface around the rope, and circle muncullah a wheat field. The problem is, whether he may be able to make a circle in one night without adequate means of bantu? ago for the purpose of making what?
2.Medan magnet Some strange circle was likely to be happening because ulah man. For the structure of their image (the circle odd) complex, a large size, beautiful design, is not the result of man-made that can be done in time for the night. Although Anderro insist that the 80% wheat field circle was man-made, however, he was also confident that the remaining 20% is a natural effect due to earth's magnetic fields. In magnetic fields there is a movement that magical power, can produce an electric current, so the plants lie flat on the surface People of U.S. origin that is related Jeffery Walson has been researching the loop 130 over the wheat fields, and found that 90% around the circle there is a strange transformer is related to the high voltage cable. Under the perimeter along the length of 270 meters there is a pool, because in-airi, the ion is removed from the bottom of the ground field corn can produce electrically negative, while the transformer is connected with the high voltage cable elekrik positive. After the positive and negative electric brush magnets can produce electric energy, further break down the wheat form the circle bizarre ago. However they can not provide all the answers to questions of how - bentukaneh it can? What may be the energy or interest can be kelajengking?
3.Angin Tornado According fisikawan from the University of Michigan, the U.S. Dr.Delon Smith, that the change does not stabilized summer, wind is the main tornado that caused the strange circle. Through research he found that a large number of strange circle in the wheat fields that appear on the side of the mountain areas or the distance of 60-70 km from the mountains, where as this is a place that is easy to form a wind tornado. But do tornado winds can make a circle with a certain accuracy is?
4. Being made in space Many are convinced that most of the strange circle in the wheat fields in the form of a night, is likely a result of being outside the spacecraft. Since 1990, photographer Alexander, said he saw a peculiar light in the wheat fields, the light aircraft that here-between the two strange circle. The existence of the alien in the belly of the wild duck in the San Franscisco U.S. perhaps strengthen this presumption.
5.Heterodoxy (flat view) Some people believe that the circle behind the wheat fields there are many kinds of supernatural power, like Bermuda triangle. According to these allegations, then there is the odd mention of the circle as the disaster, in order to disseminate the view that illicit meyimpang from orthodox teachings. Why lingakaran often appear strange is there? And now, the circle that never appears in the sunflower fields, Russia, then why be so? Perhaps we can only wait for the scientists menyingkapnya more.
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