Minggu, 05 Juli 2009
Crop Circle Mysteries
Fish man stranded in Penang?
Near earth asteroid Apophis almost reached a dangerous distance of 30-40 thousand km
Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009
Gem in the universe
Gem in the universe
Stars is a gem in the universe: diamater 4000 km. Valentine's Day on February 14 will soon arrive, when do'a offer as a gift, do not have one of the women stars appoint a "BPM 37093" in the galaxy, the stars this is a gem in the universe that are known at this time: diameter 4000 km, and the weight equivalent to 10 carat dipangkatkan 34.
"BPM 37093" is located in the Centaurus, distance from the earth about 50 light years, he is a star of white shrimp, the results from the fixed stars to the small end of the period of evolution, and is essentially karbonkristal (stone) that berdensitas eksra high, the outside covered with a layer of hydrogen and helium. A day before Valentine's Day on 2 years ago, scientists of origin United States Micter Kaerf, Monger Combridge Marry's University, UK, Brazil and the origin scientist Kannan announced that they have found stars "BPM 37093", while that with the tone Micter joke says: " Although the property of the King of Computers Bill Gates assets plus Donald Trump will not be merged is also able to buy it. "
During these 40 years, astronom always thought that the core stars of white shrimp akan mengkristalisasi along with the decrease in temperature, but the evidence is all difficult to accurately observed. Micter the core already mengkristal through vibration pulsasi "BPM 37093" star is white shrimp. 5 billion years later, the sun we will also be changed to a star of white shrimp, and more with some time, so that appears in the center of our solar system at this time only the form of a stone giant.
Do not disturb the Pharaoh
Do not disturb the Pharaoh
Do not ever try work especial mummy of Pharaoh and their goods peninggalannya, if we want to do bernasib same Carnarvon. British Council, the world seems suddenly died after disassemble Tutankhamun tomb, one of the Pharaoh in 1923. Strangely, the day in Carnarvon died, all the electricity was out in Cairo without a cause.
Tutankhamun was the King of Egypt who have tragic stories. Appointed as Pharaoh when aged 9 years, he only had a fleeting sense of power. Not yet even 19 years old, ajla menjemputnya. The cause of death still has not reached the point of light, although many believe that there will be conspiracy against the sadistic murder of the young king.
Tutankhamun was the mystery continues until now. He said, terdpat that anyone who curses the king in the long sleep, will experience adversity. Although many are doubting the curse, the strange things continue to happen. An officer who brought berkebangsaan United States say Tutankhamun mask suddenly fell ill stroke, and a young German is desperate to steal a treasure trove of Tutankhamun died with mengenaskan. Still dare to try?
Matter of grave tutakhamun, they die because of a fungus spore death that are more than 200 years tuh .... Not a curse.
Often we hear stories about the special weapons that have the strength of Indonesia so that they can move, stand, and even fly by itself. Story that is at the same time with mystical egregious incident.
One of the famous legend is the story until now kesaktian keris made Gandring MPU. Keris sakti swallow a lot of these victims, including the author. Mpu Gandring dihabisi degan sadist by the buyer keris, Ken Arok. Since then, the keris Gandring MPU request tumbal not stop the thirst of power, including Ken Arok and his descendants. Perhaps, he said, the keris is then removed to form the sea and changed into a dragon. Wahh mystical banged deh!
In fact until now is still a lot of keris keris sakti alias inheritance. Pembuatannya also have to go through the match as a heavy birth date and destination of the buyer, fast, perform calculations with the Javanese calendar, and many other rituals. Legend keris Gandring MPU also held firm until now, that greed will culminate in destruction.
If a visit to the East Martello Museum, Florida, we can see a doll was more than a century, Robert the Doll. Doll-sized small kid like this is very popular, lho! Not as defection dolls 19th century this funny, but because of Horror! hiii ....
Kisahnya started around 1896, when Otto family dolls to give to the children bungsunya Robert Eugene Otto. Saking terpikatnya, the children give their own name, Robert, to dolls, and calls himself a change, Gene.
Since then, for the incident bizarre incident occurred in the Otto family home, from start to hear a foreign voice laughter, various disruption and damage, to report neighbors who saw Robert penampakan egregious. The most severe, Robert seems to enthrall Gene kid is shock and fear. See the irregularity, the Otto family to evacuate Robert attic.
When Gene is a man, he found Robert dolls again. In a short period of time, the doll is back "the" self-Gene, until he was nearly mad. Of the citizens through the family home be Otto Robert terror from the rooms.
Say, the grisly incident continues to live up to the museum where Robert now
Painting condemnation "Crying BOY"
Painting condemnation "Crying BOY"
In 1985, the British made a scene with a series of fires that occurred in mysterious. Furor when it was found that the situation in which nearly all the houses burnt, there is an object that is not left out the fire, which paintings boys cry. News that appears more surprising, the previous similar cases have been many others who do not leave the logical instructions.
Be after, it seems the object is a painting orphan whose parents died in smoke. Not long after the painting is produced, the studio painter terlalap fire destroyed. Then the kid was killed in an explosion. He said, the spirit kid who obsess over these paintings in mourning.
To kutukannya, a local publication was an action for burning the paintings are mass produced. Successfully destroyed a lot of painting, but it is estimated there are thousands of other prints in circulation throughout the world.
Human lizard's Scape Ore Swamp
Human lizard's Scape Ore Swamp
The case occurred in the swampy areas in Lee Country, South Carolina. Strange beings who have described a high 7 or feed more than 2 meters, with a hefty scaly skin that appears in the green there. Creepy eyes of glowing orange. Creatures that have three fingers on the hands and feet. People call this lizard creatures from the swamp.
The first reports about the existence of the creature that was delivered by Christopher Davis, 17 years, the local people. He said that, being found while driving through the border Scape Ore Swamp. Accident when the car was having problems so he had to stop to change tires. When he finished changing tires, he heard the noise behind.
When away, terkejutnya how she saw the strange creature appears to run towards him. Davis confessed, is being tried to attack the car, with a jump on the roof of the car. David tried vague. At home, lihatnya in the rearview mirror mobinya has been destroyed, damaged the roof on the car.
Some of the same month, reports appeared almost senada case with David. Reportedly, the creature looks like a giant lizard is located near the swamp. Most of the report it says kejadiannya about 3 miles or 5 km from Bishopville or from around the swamps. The incident two months, several police investigations, and found measuring 14 feet track length inc.
Then the police to send laporran the FBI to be more. However, analysis of a stalemate, until now unclear, whether the beings have a certain lizard like that.
Hopkinsville Goblins: The luminous Being Weird
Hopkinsville Goblins: The luminous Being Weird
Hopkinsville Goblins case known as teraneh case in the history of things that fly around. This case dengn well documented. This case occurred near the town of Kelly and Hopkinsville, Kentucky, on 21 August 1955 night until morning.
UFO appear in a long time, there are many witnesses who see it. "Some say the eyes sakisi, objects to fly to several hours, sweep through the night until morning. They saw penampakan luminous beings are three feet high. her arm Witnesses saw the fire out ditembakkan to top.
On the night August 21, 1955, Billy Ray Taylor invite friends to dinner gi. When to look up, they saw a strange light in the sky to the west. This group also saw the light of being half a foot high head large, wide ears and luminous eyes. Hands out the fire.
Being that close to Taylor's house until the distance of 20 feet. Those who see the gun and take preparing it. However, being then fled kea rah darkness at night.
After that, all family members repeatedly penampakan see creatures that seem to move towards their home. This story is strange. For more details you can read the full article on Wikipedia.
mystery of ghost house ( Summerwind )
mystery of ghost house ( Summerwind )
Summerwind Mansion, formerly known as Lamont Mansion, is a warehouse on the coast of West Bay Lake in Vilas County, North East Wisconsin. Region is one of the most haunted areas in Wisconsin. Condition is now dirty and neglected. This is because intense fires have occurred in the area to destroy nearly all buildings there.
Summerwind was originally built in the early 20th century as a mes fishermen. In the 1916 was purchased by Robert P. Lamont, who worked as an architect in the company Tallmadge and Watson. Then he renovate the building and stay there. But before he diperingatkan that the building is haunted.
But he did not believe until then he himself met with the 'watchman' house. Genesis was the era of 1930, Lamont penampakan see the ghost in her home kitchen, make him leave the house terbirit the buttocks.
After the pullout Lamont, the house is left empty and neglected.
1970s, the pair husband and wife, Arnold and Ginger Hinshaw buy the house and lived with four children. Since mulau live, the family is often disturbed many strange things.
Hinshaws reported a number of strange events, from the shadow that moves from bottom to top with a soft voice, and stopped when they entered a room, or a window that suddenly opens itself. They reported several times to see the ghost woman in the hall.
May be due to stress, within six months after moving to Summerwind, Arnold fell ill and Ginger, his wife, tries suicide. Finally, Arnold entered the hospital, and Ginger moved with her parents in Granton, Wisconsin.
In June 1988, Summerwind hit by lightning several times that trigger the emergence of a fire and burn the house. So many parts of the building was damaged worse. The strange, lightning strike many times, when many trees in the surrounding buildings is higher than at all but does not participate tersambar.
When this building was shaped not just leaving the house with no foundation
Mystery Clapham Wood
Mystery Clapham Wood
The Clapham Wood Mystery is the name given to the relevant events that occurred in the contraption Clapham Wood, West Sussex, England. Of events was the report from the local people who have experienced the strange phenomenon. For example, the pets of families who lost suddenly, or the person who died suddenly without cause.
Since 1960 are reported in the area had seen an unidentified flying object (UFO?), The community also came out that was a strange and magical. Channel reported that the path to the mysterious forest. Results obtained from the research area that has high levels of radiation.
This report is surprising, because the area is a limestone area that is usually low radiation.
In the image, in the first still visible high trees and large. However, due to 'depression' tree is dead. Now very difficult to find a tree big tree there.
Four deaths have been reported near the mysterious forest. First in June 1972 where a police station, Peter Goldsmith lost while hiking in the area. Her body was found 6 months later. The second is the death of Leon Foster, the body was found in August 1975, after 3 days missing.
The third is the death of the Reverend Harry Neil Snelling, a former representative from Clapham. He disappeared in October 1978 and the body was not found until 3 years later. Cases in Clapham is not revealed until now.
Misteri lamp of ghost in the Bridgewater Triangle
Misteri lamp of ghost in the Bridgewater Triangle
Bridgewater Triangle is an area about 200 square miles (520 km2) in southeast Massachusetts, United States. Since the Colonial, it was known as the mysterious force that has a difficult explained. Various reports about the area that was noted in the order of phenomena Poltergeists and orbs, balls of fire that came out in the fall there are also ghost phenomenon.
Rumors are circulating about penampakan 'Bigfoot', giant snakes, giant bird, and found a lot of the rest of the remaining discount livestock, etc.. Police also have sought journalist reveals strange events there.
Area is a very very mysterious and not so left out dijuluki Hockomock Swamp, which means "soul dwell", or as local residents call "The Devil's Swamp."
One of the phenomena that occur in the famous area is the emergence of light flicker from the swamps around the lake. People call it kelap twinkle lights as the ghost is usually seen in the swampy area.
The ghost phenomenon it continues to show u around Bridgewater Triangle. Strange lights that also appear in January in the vicinity of each rail crossing across the region do.
Women's Mysteries Gas carrier
Women's Mysteries Gas carrier
The Mad Gasser of Mattoon is the name given to the person behind a series of gas attacks that occurred in Botetourt County, Virginia, in the early 1930s, and in Mattoon, Illinois, in mid-1940 occurred in the first an.Kejadian house Cal Huffman , in Haymakertown, Botetourt County, where there are three reported attacks during the night.
Around 10:00 on 22 December 1933, Ms. Huffman reported smelling odor that is not common, and with the feeling of nausea. Smell that nausea and return around 10:30, Cal Huffman then contact the police. The three attacks happened around 1:00, when the gas attacks that meet all households. Eight family members become victims of Huffman with the Ashby Henderson, a stay at the guest house.
Next recorded in Cloverdale incident occurred on 24 December. Clarence Hall, his wife and two children of their new home from church 9:00 They also weak. Police investigating the case, find a nail taken from a rear window, where the gas smell is very strong. Suspected, the hole used to insert gas into the house.
Third incident on 27 December, where the Troutville, A. Kelly and her mother have been reported with symptoms such as Huffman and Hall cases. Fourth and fifth incident occurred on 10 January, when Mrs. Moore, a guest at the home of Homer Hylton reported Haymakertown heard a voice outside, before the gas entered into their house through the broken window. Second night of attacks were reported in Troutville, at home Kinzie G.
At least 10 other cases were reported in Botetourt and then in 10 years, more than 20 new cases reported in Mattoon. One witness said he saw the carrier gas ity is as high a well-thin, dressed like a man but the impression of a woman belonging to his leg.
Zana mystery 'Ancient Man'
Zana mystery 'Ancient Man'
This bizarre incident occurred in mid-century, about 18 centuries. Ochamchir, a hunter in the region when Georgia was still entered in one of the provinces in Russia. Hunter is a woman captured in the wild where arms, legs and hair is covered with thick fingers. Women are given this strange name Zana. Because liarnya, to menjinakkannya he initially had to be for many years with the food that was thrown to him. After he was tame, then Zana freed and taught the things lightly. Such as corn mill, etc..
Uniquely, Zana has a body resistance of more than ordinary people. He was resistant to the cold weather extremes, but he does not hold in the warm air in the room. He really like to eat fruit and wine trailer. He is a heavy drinker and can sleep for hours. The strange, he can have many children with a father is different. But most of his children died because they Zana bathe in the river is cold almost frozen.
The villagers worry ulah with strange Zana, and they also take their children clear of the mother. Zana children do not like her mother, they grow like normal human beings and their children have also been raised by some villagers. Zana died in the village bungsunya years 1890.Sedang children died in 1954.
This story is the result of the research Professor Porchnev interviewing the parents in the village. Zana also has many grandchildren. Those with darker. One is Shalikula, he has a strong mouth, so that he can lift a chair with a man sitting on top of it.
Research on Zana allegations that the woman is a strange form of human evolution that has not fully changed to modern man.
Mysteries Imprint foot ghost in Devon
Mysteries Imprint foot ghost in Devon
The Devil's Footprints was the name given to a strange phenomenon that occurred in Devon, England on 8 February 1855. After a snowfall at night, next day appear impressions-impressions in snow measuring 1.5 inc (4 cm) wide and 2.5 inc (6.35 cm). Impressions-impressions are scattered throughout the village. Not only the trace-trace is also in the roof and even in building a high wall. The villagers became geger and do not understand what the phenomenon. Due to unclear, people also start thinking about the strange creature that even Satan gentayangan in their villages. That's why the term appears Devil's Footprint.
mysterious death of mary reeser
mysterious death of mary reeser
This extraordinary event that until now can not be explained by common sense. Mary Reeser, born in 1881, found almost all dilahap fire charred body in her home in Florida in 1951. But strange, even though the whole body burn, left foot mulus tanpa cacat iota. This is impossible.
More strange, the fire seems to only target the body of Mary Reseer only. Because the surrounding room, where he found, do not burn at all .. While the fire is so high temperature is the same as the corpse cremation, and should be prey to all rooms is not only the body of the woman.
FBI has come to do the investigation, forensic also took part in that case, but can not solve what can happen so.
"I feel difficult to believe this. The human body is burned with high temperature, leaving feet that can not burn a bit mulus. What actually happened on the evening of 1 July 1951 it? This is indeed a mystery. The whole room is used up in smoke. This is the most extraordinary that I never see. short hair with a face like the intense fear. I feel like living in the mid-century, in which many people talk about sorcery and black magic, "said Professor Krogman of the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine. He was not able to claim to explain this mystery.
Did you know, first Cherokee Indian tribe is Muslim
Did you know, first Cherokee Indian tribe is Muslim
cherokeeindianBenarkah? Yes very true, in the history that is not revealed and never revealed and is only expressed in the akedemisi related to history, noted that the majority of the Cherokee indian tribe is Muslim. As evidence that this was indeed true, and if there Rejeki opportunity to visit the library to U.S. Congress (Library of Congress) please ask for records indicated the agreement between the U.S. and the Cherokee indian tribe in the year 1787.
There will be visible signature of Cherokee tribe at that time with the name of Abdel-Khak and Muhammad Ibn Abdullah
Long history,
The spirit of the people of Islam and China at that time to get to know more about the planet (of course at that time the planet has not heard the name) where in addition to widen the influence, seek new trade routes and of course expand Islamic propaganda encouraging some intrepid among them to traverse the area still considered to be dark in the maps they are at that time.
Some famous names remain so even to this day almost everyone had heard only a Tjeng Ho and Ibn Batutta, but some almost not hear, and only recorded on academic books.
Experts and intellectual geography of the Muslims who travel to record the Americas-that is Abu Al-Hassan Ali Ibn Al Hussain Al Masudi (died 957 years), Al-Idrisi (died 1166 years), Chihab Addin Abu Al-Abbas Ahmad bin Fadhl Al Umari (1300 - 1384) and Ibn Battuta (died 1369 years).
According to the notes historian and expert geography Moslem Al Masudi (871 - 957), Khashkhash Ibn Saeed Ibn Aswad of a Muslim navigator of Cordoba in Andalusia, has been to the Americas in the year 889 BC. In his book, 'Muruj ADH dhahab-Maadin wa al-Jawhar' (The Meadows of Gold and Quarries of Jewels), Al Masudi reported that during the Spanish Caliph Abdullah Ibn Muhammad (888 - 912), Ibn Khashkhash
Saeed Ibn Aswad sailed from Delba (Palos) in 889, across the Atlantic Ocean, to reach areas that have not been known that disebutnya ARD Majhoola, and then return with a stunning variety of property.
After that many cruises visit the mainland in the Atlantic Ocean, which was dark and foggy. Al Masudi also write a book 'Akhbar Az Zaman', which includes material from the history of vagrancy traders to Africa and Asia.
Dr. Swakke Mroueh also wrote that during the Caliph Abdul Rahman III (929-961 years) from Umayah Dynasty, recorded the existence of people from Africa that Islam also sail from the port Delba (Palos) in Spain to the west towards the sea that separated black and foggy , Atlantic Ocean. They successfully bring back the goods from the value of obtaining a foreign land.
He is also writing the notes historian Abu Bakr Ibn Umar Al-Gutiyya that the Caliph of Spain, Hisham II (976-1009) from a navigator Ibn Farrukh Granada was called to leave the port Kadesh in February across 999 years Atlantic Ocean and landed in Gando (Canary Kepulaun).
Ibn Farrukh visit to the King Guanariga and then proceed to the west to see two islands and it Capraria and Pluitana. Ibn Farrukh return to Spain in May 999.
Perlayaran across the Atlantic Ocean from Morocco also noted by a sea Shaikh Zayn-eddin Ali bin Fadhel Al-Mazandarani. Unencumbered Tarfay ship from the Sultan of Morocco at the time of Abu-Yacoub Sidi swakke (1286 - 1307) king of the sixth dynasty in Marinid. Ship landed on the island of the Caribbean Sea on the Green in the year 1291. According to Dr. Morueh, travel notes this as a reference by many Islamic scholars.
Sultans of the kingdom of Mali in west Africa who beribukota in Timbuktu, also appeared to make their own travel to the Americas. Chihab historian Abu Al-Addin-Abbas Ahmad bin Fadhl Al Umari (1300 - 1384) memerinci exploration geography this carefully. Timbuktu people who are now forgotten, was a center of civilization, a library and scholarly progress in Africa. Ekpedisi land travel and sea made a lot of people started to Timbuktu or from Timbuktu.
Sultan noted melanglang Buana to the new continent at that time was Sultan Abu Bakari I (1285 - 1312), brother of Sultan Mansa Kankan Musa (1312 - 1337), who had twice expedition travel to the Atlantic Ocean to the United States and even the river Mississippi.
Sultan Abu Bakari I do exploration in central and northern United States with the Mississippi river between the years 1309-1312. The Arabic eksplorer this. Two centuries later, the invention of the Americas enshrined in the color map of Piri Re'isi made year 1513, is presented to the king and the Ottoman Sultan Selim I in 1517 years. This map shows the western hemisphere, and even the southern United States Antarctic continent, with Brazil drawing pesisiran a quite accurate.
Talk about the Cherokee, of course, can not be separated from the Sequoyah (portait top left). A native tribe of the Cherokee tribe Syllabary revive them in 1821. Syllabary is perhaps a kind of literacy, if we know the alphabet A to Z the Cherokee tribe has its own way for its characters. Which makes it very remarkable is the fact that literacy is found again by Sequoyah is similar to the Arabic script (see picture right). Several centuries to any posts cherokee-7 were found on stones terpahat even in Nevada is very similar to any posts "Muhammad" in Arabic.
Other evidence is, to know that Columbus own people Carib (Caribbean) is the pursuer of the Prophet Muhammad. He understood that the people of Islam have been in there, especially those from West Africa coast. They inhabit the Caribbean, North and South America. But does not like Columbus who want to enslave the people and the United States. Orang-Orang Islam came to trade and some even marry indigenous people.
Columbus further admitted on 21 October 1492 in pelayarannya between Gibara Cuba Beach and see a mosque (standing on the hill with the beautiful any posts according to another source). To date, the remains of ruins of the mosque has been found in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada.
And you know, 2 people Nahkoda ships Columbus led by captain and ship Nina is the fate of the Muslims, namely the two brothers Martin Alonso Pinzon and Vicente Pinzon still Yanex family of Morocco Sultan Abuzayan Muhammad III (1362). [THACHER, JOHN Boyd: Christopher Columbus, New York, 1950]
And why is it up to Columbus at this time known as the inventor american continent? When the expulsion occurred because the Jews from Spain of 300,000 Jews by the Christian king Ferdinand, and the Jews the way the funds for shipping news and Columbus' discovery of the Americas' first post by Christopher Columbus to his friends of the Jews in Spain. Columbus voyage this publication seems to be thirsty and needed to create a legend in accordance with the 'sponsored links' to the Jewish donors. Next story we know that the mass media and publications occupied by the Jews that even the doghouse by people like Henry Ford of the United States is the king of the car. Then there is the look-jujuran facts in writing the history of the discovery of the Americas. History of abuse by the Jews that occurred the first time since they shared the European set foot to the Americas.
And you know, actually laksam ana or Zheng He in Indonesia is well known as warlord Cheng Ho is the first inventor continental United States, about 70 years before Columbus.
Around 70 years before Columbus benderanya stick in the United States mainland, warlord Zheng He has been first to come there. Participants in the seminar organized by the Royal Geographical Society in London some time ago made terperangah. Was a submarine expert and historian named Gavin Menzies paparannya with and then get the most attention.
Show full confidence, Menzies explained theory about famous voyage home from the sea mahsyur China, warlord Zheng He (we know the molasses Ho-red). Together with evidence found from the historical record, he then concluded that the sailor and navigator from the top-flight Ming Dynasty was the beginning of the continental United States inventor, and not Columbus.
In fact, according to him, Zheng He 'beat' with the Columbus range within about 70 years. What Menzies raised to make the fur fly because of the world community to know that this is the Columbus-discoverer of the Americas in the 15th century. Menzies reinforced this statement with some evidence of history. Is a map made in the period before Columbus launch ekspedisinya full picture with the Americas and a map of Zheng He owned astronomical dosodorkannya as the evidence is. Menzies to be very confident after examining the accuracy of historical objects that.
"Laksana that this is the proper title of inventor was the first continental United States," he said. Menzies to study for more than 14 years. This research includes ancient maps, artefacts and also proof of the development of modern astronomy technology through programs such as Starry Night software.
Of key evidence that could change the history of this flow, Menzies said that most of the navigation map and any posts they are ancient China during the warlord Zheng He voyage. Penjelajahannya to reach the Americas to take time between the years 1421 and 1423. Previous fleet Zheng He sailed the route south through Africa and to South America.
Description astronomical voyage Zheng He roughly call, late at night when the stars look south around 18 March 1421, the site is located at the south end of South America. It is then reconstructed using a re-Starry Night software to compare the map with the Zheng He voyage.
"I memprogram Starry Night in the period up to year 1421 and estimated that the world never be plied these expeditions," said Menzies also a navigator and a former submarine commander British navy this.
From here, he finally found two different locations of this voyage to the notes astronomy (stars) Zheng He expedition.
So going on the movement of the stars is, according to the earth rotation and orientation in space. Earth's rotation due to the less perfect to create the earth as if punk sculpture circle in the air every 26 thousand years. This phenomenon, called precision, meaning that each point polar stars look different during the run. Menzies uses software to reconstruct the position of the stars as the year 1421.
"We already have a star map of ancient China, but still require dismantling map," said Menzies.
When are confused to think of this problem, suddenly ditemukanlah solutions. "With extraordinary luck, one of the goals that they lalui, between Sumatra and Dondra Head, Sri Lanka, leading to the west."
Part of the voyage is apparently very close to the equator in the Indian Ocean. The Polaris, the north star, and the southern stars Canopus, which is near the southern polar latitude, are listed in the map. "From there, we successfully determine the location and direction of Polaris. So next time we can ensure that the map from the year 1421, plus and minus 30 years. "
Above findings, the Phillip Sadler, navigation experts from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the estimated using the map based on the position of ancient stars is possible. He also agreed that the estimate of the time 30 years, as in the Menzies, also reasonable.
During this time, people of the world knows gait explorer Zheng He as a superlative. He was born in Kunyang, the city which is located on the southwestern Yunan Province, in the year 1371. Family named Ma, is part of the minority citizens Semur. They came from Central Asia and profess Islam. Father and grandfather Zheng He voyage ever known pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Makkah. While Zheng He alone grow large with lots of travel to a number of areas. He is a devout Muslim.
Yunan is one of the last defense of the nation Mongols, existing long before the Ming Dynasty. At the time of the Ming troops Yunan year 1382, Zheng He participated thralled and brought to Nanjing. When he was still aged 11 years. Zheng He was made as a crown servant son will be named emperor Yong Le. Well this is the emperor who gave the name of Zheng He to the end he became one of the most termashyur marine commander in the world. (Early Tokyo / sbl)
[Source: Milis_Iqra@googlegroups.com]
Mysteries PHOTO MONSTER "Loch Ness" finally revealed
A surgeon from the UK, Robert Kenneth Wilson, has claimed memfoto "Loch Ness Monster" as appears in the photo above is also known as "Nessie" is perhaps the living creature hiding in the depth of the lake water "Loch Ness". Location of the lake "Loch Ness" is in the area of North Scotland, UK.
According to Wilson, on 19 April 1934 when he is in the car corral lake, he saw something moving objects on the surface of the lake water. He stopped the car and immediately memfotonya. Results showed photographs image neck long neck similar to a dragon that appears on the surface of the lake water.
Photo known with nickname "The surgeon's Photo" (= surgeon surgeon) is, as long as 60 years have made people curious about the world until finally in 1994 revealed that the images "Loch Ness Monster" that has been melegenda This is false! In fact the image is the image of toy submarine toys ditempel above sea dragon (aft of the neck).
And in fact also, that Wilson is not making these toys and memfoto. Is a named Christian Spurling who make the toys. Recognition of this dungkapkan by Spurling (aged 90 years) before his death.
Spurling explains further that he was involved by a toy collector named Marmaduke Wetherell (tirinya father), and then involve Wilson, Origin beginning, Wetherell, father tirinya that, want to take revenge against those who have mengejeknya top klaimnya have found impressions "Nessie" on the side of the lake (in fact this impression is the impression made from a hippopotamus foot dried).
Then Wetherell contact Spurling and ask for the toy submarine made the above ditempel dragon toys. Toy model is then difoto surface water in the lake "Loch Ness" and the results of the photos submitted to Wilson who served as the image carrier in order to mock this can be trusted by the public.
Story about Nessie preceded by a description in the codex of the century-7. In a note on rohaniawan Christian entitled "Life of St Columba" Adamnan any posts, there is one explanation of the sesosok monster in Loch Ness Lake.
Mentioned in the year 565, rohaniawan St Columba help people Pict Tribe (Ancient Scottish population), which suddenly attacked the giant water creature in the lake during sail "Loch Ness". Merapal with a prayer from the mainland, St Columba's driven the monster.
Since then, there is no longer a matter of explanation Nessie, but it was still spoken until the year 1800-an. Then in the 1930's, the issue of re-occurrence of the Nessie be crowded. This relation dibukanya road around the lake that allows tourists and adventurers across the lake area that has a beautiful panorama that.
Since then, some people have claimed to see penampakan "Loch Ness Monster."
cases of Virus Influenza A or H1N1 (flu Pigs) revealed
history about Virus Influenza A or H1N1 (flu Pigs) revealed
Analysis of the latest virus or influenza A H1N1 that come from pigs estimate that transmission to humans occurred several months before the outbreak merebaknya. Research published in Nature jurrial highlight the need for monitoring influenza in pigs systematically, and provide evidence that the genetic elements in the new pigs can generate virus bangkitnya cause pandemic potential in humans.
Oliver Pybus of the Department of Zoology Oxford University komputasional using methods, which have been developed during the last 10 years at Oxford, is able to reconstruct origin and time period the new pandemic. Oliver Pybus said that the results of the analysis shows this strain has been circulating among pigs, may antarbenua, for many years before the spread in humans.
Together with Andrew Rambaut of the University of Edinburgh and colleagues, Pybus using evolutionary analysis to estimate the time origin and early development of the epidemic. They believe that the virus is tigunan of several viruses in the body bersirkulasi pigs, and the initial transmission to humans occurs several months before the outbreak is known.
Joined the research team from several universities, such as Oxford University, the University of Edinburgh, University of Hong Kong, and University of Arizona have concluded that systematic monitoring of the flu in pigs is still minimal when compared with the broad monitoring of influenza in humans. This allows the strain that caused the pandemic potential to survive and evolve without detected for many years (Source: Koran Tempo,cases of Flu Pigs revealed on Wednesday, 17 June 2009).