Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009

Gem in the universe

Gem in the universe

Stars is a gem in the universe: diamater 4000 km. Valentine's Day on February 14 will soon arrive, when do'a offer as a gift, do not have one of the women stars appoint a "BPM 37093" in the galaxy, the stars this is a gem in the universe that are known at this time: diameter 4000 km, and the weight equivalent to 10 carat dipangkatkan 34.

"BPM 37093" is located in the Centaurus, distance from the earth about 50 light years, he is a star of white shrimp, the results from the fixed stars to the small end of the period of evolution, and is essentially karbonkristal (stone) that berdensitas eksra high, the outside covered with a layer of hydrogen and helium. A day before Valentine's Day on 2 years ago, scientists of origin United States Micter Kaerf, Monger Combridge Marry's University, UK, Brazil and the origin scientist Kannan announced that they have found stars "BPM 37093", while that with the tone Micter joke says: " Although the property of the King of Computers Bill Gates assets plus Donald Trump will not be merged is also able to buy it. "

During these 40 years, astronom always thought that the core stars of white shrimp akan mengkristalisasi along with the decrease in temperature, but the evidence is all difficult to accurately observed. Micter the core already mengkristal through vibration pulsasi "BPM 37093" star is white shrimp. 5 billion years later, the sun we will also be changed to a star of white shrimp, and more with some time, so that appears in the center of our solar system at this time only the form of a stone giant.

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